D’Arcy Podcasting

Have been making notes on D’Arcy’s experiences with podcasting as he experiments with podcasting using WordPress – looking good :o) He’s posted a good run off of some possible uses of it in education too, I’m looking forward to getting really stuck into this with the ‘fireside chats’ an exceptionally interesting academic I’m working with is doing.

Just read that it’s received a pretty high level of interest too, very promising, now if we could figure out how many of those have been accessed by the web and how many podcaught?

Aaron has also got some excellent ideas about possible uses of podcasting in EFL (ahhhhh, sometimes I wish I’d never left teaching overseas students English… seriously… I kinda get to do it vicariously though, in a way :o)

[update: Roland posts a fantastic summary of podcasting discussions at Bloggercon]

2 replies on “D’Arcy Podcasting”

  1. Heya James! Thanks for the feedback! I’m having fun experimenting with the podcasting stuff – didn’t imagine anyone would be along for the ride with me though ;-)

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